Governor Nathan Deal - Georgia’s 82nd Governor (2011-2019)

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Deal awarded 60 Plus top honor for tax cut leadership

July 29, 2014

Gov. Nathan Deal today received the Benjamin Franklin award from the 60 Plus Association, the nation's largest conservative seniors organization with more than 7.2 million senior supporters, for his longtime leadership on tax reform.

“Since taking office, I have worked tirelessly to boost job creation and enhance Georgia’s business climate,” said Deal. “This hard work has paid off – Georgia is now the No. 1 state for business. An essential component to this success was the Georgia Competitiveness Initiative, which I launched in 2011 to create a plan for long-term economic development and job growth. Delivering on the recommendation of that initiative, I signed into law a pro-jobs, pro-family tax reform package. This reform cut taxes for all Georgians and increased the state’s competitiveness.  

“I remain committed to making Georgia a better place to run and grow a business, and an even better place to live. Georgia has one of the lowest tax burdens on its citizens of any state in the nation, and it’s my plan to keep it that way. Thank you to the 60 Plus Association for this honor, and for their continued work on behalf of our nation’s senior citizens.”

Deal also signed into law legislation eliminating Georgia’s estate tax. Click here to find the text of the bill.

“It was Ben Franklin who famously said there are two certainties in life, death and taxes, but because of the estate or ‘death’ tax, there is a third certainty – taxes after death,” said 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, who presented the governor with the award at the state Captiol. “We know that if Governor Deal has his way, we will get rid of that third certainty – taxes after death – and make Mr. Franklin’s famous quote accurate once again. 60 Plus calls on 7.2 million seniors nationally for support, including more than 96,000 in the Peach state, and we're proud to speak on their behalf when I say that they can count on Governor Deal.”

“I’m still singing at concerts, but today I’m singing the praises of Governor Deal,” said recording artist and 60 Plus spokesman Pat Boone. “Seniors can depend on Governor Deal to fight for them against higher spending and higher taxes, including the harmful and burdensome death tax.”

To read more about the Georgia Jobs and Family Tax reform plan that Deal signed into law in 2012, click here.  

About the 60 Plus Association

The 60 Plus Association is a 20-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security and Medicare, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a limited government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution. 60 Plus calls on support from over 7 million citizen activists. 60 Plus publishes a newsletter, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.” 60 Plus has been called “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group” and the acknowledged conservative alternative to the AARP.

Click here for a photo of the governor receiving the award.