Deal signs 35 bills
House Bills
HB 47 Insurance across state lines
HB 49 Technical and adult education, change name
HB 87 Illegal immigration
HB 90 Heritage trust properties
HB 92 Provide limitations for in-person absentee balloting
HB 114 Abandoned motor vehicles
HB 117 SOURCE bill
HB 142 Revise official Code of Georgia Annotated
HB 158 Change the dates on nonpartisan elections
HB 186 High school students; expand career pathway options
HB 192 Establish State Education Finance Study Commission; evaluate formula and funding
HB 214 American Laws for Georgia Courts Act
HB 249 Provide information to parents of newborns; pertussis disease
HB 313 Annexation of city of Chatsworth
HB 339 Emergency powers; challenge of quarantine or vaccination order; revise courts
HB 436 City of Menlo charter
HB 454 Presidential preference primary
HB 560 Dalton-Whitfield County Charter and Consolidation Commission
HB 574 Dalton Independent School System; Board of Education
HB 587 Levy an excise tax for city of Snellville
HB 589 City of Peachtree City Public Facilities Authority
HB 591 City of Waycross, citizens’ right to address city commissioners
House Resolutions
HR 95 Conveyance of certain property; Appling, Burke, Toombs, Upson and other counties
HR 507 Dedicate Carl Hamrick Memorial Highway; City of Gray
Senate Bills
SB 36 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
SB 82 Provide for oaths of election superintendents/supervisors and designees of board of election
SB 93 DEA drug schedule, banning ‘bath salts’
SB 100 Excelsior Nursing School and Non-Accredited nursing school licensure of graduates
Senate Resolutions
SR 15 Joint Committee on Water Supply
SR 30 DOT; urged to prepare a list of contractors to be utilized during weather emergencies
SR 68 Science and Technology Strategic Initiative Joint Study Commission
SR 103 Granting of easements for facilities for public property
SR 114 Conveyance of real property located in Gwinnett County
SR 312 Endorse efforts to deepen the ports Savannah, Ga; Charleston, South Carolina
SR 343 Steve Lance Memorial Intersection dedication